Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trying to brave colored tights?

A friend of mind was wondering this on her blog, and I thought it was funny because the night before, I had been wearing blue tights at a cocktail event for the Friends of St. Jude. Granted, they weren't THAT blue, but still.

And then again today- she posted a comment on my page wishing I had taken a photo of myself wearing the blue tights. Crazy enough- I am wearing blue tights again today at work!

So, I asked my co worker to take a photo of me to show The Stylester, and consequently- the whole world. Pardon my awkward-early-morning smile, but concentrate on the legs. :)

Not that it matters (as you can't see them) but I also have semi-transparent zebra-striped dangle-y earrings. Yep- I jumped out of the box today.

Moral of the story: (and mind you, I am NOT the fashion police, and I'm quite often a fashion offender- what can I say, I like leggings and (gasp!) still wear Uggs in the winter.)
If you want to wear a colored tight, make sure the dress/skirt color is a solid and different color. I'm a sucker for black dresses and like to mix up my tights to create some fun into my outfits.
Afterall, I do work in SoHo.


  1. Yay! my wish came true! I love the LBD and blue tights combo. Your office looks gorgeous too! It IS so very SoHo and artsy.

  2. :) very soho it is. I'm glad you like the combo!! Now you have to try it!

  3. Blue tights! I love them! I'm a lover of tights too... ;p

    You look marvelous! xxx

  4. OMG I just "tried" this look today and it so didn't work. My blue tights are too bright! I'm going to have to run to duane reade for some emergency black ones.

  5. You look fab! I will never get rid of my uggs...who cares what the experts say! They are the most comfy things ever!


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