Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Award!

Thank you to Johana at Mercurial Wife and Tish at Sweet & Sour for passing the Happy Award over to me! You ladies are so sweet and I'm so lucky to have you as fellow bloggers and readers :)

The rules of this award are as follows:

1. Thank the nominators- Thanks, Ladies!!

2. List things that make you happy.

* Summertime/Warm, Sunny Days
* Sitting on my deck at home at night talking to my parents and sis
* Reading on the subway to/from work
* Seeing my friends from home xoxo
* Relaxing and walking around the city with B
* Family dinners (even though I can't 100% partake)
* Going out for a much-anticipated girls night

3. Tag some people who are amazing and happy, or should be happy, and contact them.

* Erin at Blue Eyed Bride. She is the reason why I started blogging and I am so happy and thankful to her for opening my eyes and showing me that there are so many reasons in life to be happy.
* Taylor at Undomestic Momma for inspiring me and others to live a full, happy, healthy life- even when told by doctors that it's not always possible.
* Katherine at Beauty From Ashes because you inspire me to become closer to God and I thank you for that. Your most recent post is about finding the man of your dreams- you are sweet and down-to-Earth and will find a wonderful man who wouldn't want anything aside from you in his life. Just take your time. :)
* Stacie at "Well-Behaved Women Rarely Make History". Your blog entries are so sincere and your married life seems so fairy-tale that I had to give you this. You do make me happy :)

Enjoy your awards ladies and have a wonderful, warm Wednesday!


  1. Oh my gosh you are so sweet! Thank you so much!

  2. Yay, you deserve it!
    Lovely blog!

  3. Thank you!! :-) I'm so excited!

  4. Thank you for the sweet award and very kind words!! So nice!!


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