Friday, July 8, 2011

Checking-in On My Bucket List

It's been just under 1 year since I wrote this post about the top 12 things I'd like to do before I'm 30.

To refresh your mind (and in case you didn't click the link above...) this is the list...

12. Travel more than 700 miles (within one trip) alone
11. Visit Ellis Island to look into my family's histories
10. Go on trips with my best friend and sister
9. Increase my net worth by 925%
8. Get promoted/become account supervisor by mid-2011
7. Visit my family at least once a month
6. Be 10 lbs lighter, consistently for more than 1 year
5. Dedicate more of my personal time to helping others (St. Judes, or raising money for cancer cures)
4. KNOW what I'm allergic to, finally!

3. Finish Atlas Shrugged and move onto The Fountainhead
2. Treat my family to an expensive dinner, even paying for the wine- not on credit
1. Buy myself a Louis Vuitton or pair of Christian Louboutins

All the highlighted number (10, 8, 5, and 4) I've completed or at least partially completed. 

10. My best friends have visited me and I have visited them/their apartments. I'm going on a cruise to visit my sister in less than a month- so this is a basically a completed Bucket-Check-Off
8. I left the agency I was working for when I wrote this original list, so I'm seeing this as a partial promotion- still working my way up the ladder... just on Madison Ave now. :)
5. I have volunteered my time a few times to local kids in Harlem, as well as starting/being the captain for a Great Urban Race team- where all the raised money goes to St. Jude's children hospital.
4!!! I have a solid list of foods that I'm allergic to. The list includes (in case you'd ever like to take me to dinner, these are foods we have to steer clear of...)
  • Carrots, Celery, Red/Green Peppers, Arugula, Red Leaf/Mesculin lettuces, Pears, Apples, Plums, Peanuts (and sniffle.. peanut butter...,) Tree Nuts (walnuts, cashews, almonds)
  • SOMETIMES: Avocados, Chick-Peas, and maybe Quinoa (still trying that one.)
    • I know- you're probably like "wait... those are like... healthy foods? I don't get it..." I know- it's pretty messed up. 
    • BUT I'm able to have other veggies like asparagus (I make some mean asparagus dishes,) zucchini and summer squash, and I have my salads with Romaine lettuce. 
Overall, I think that in less than 1 year, I'm doing pretty good with keeping up my list. In the near future, I'd like to complete the following.... 11, 7, and 2.

I'd also like to ADD the following (whenever completing a goal... remember to dream up new ones...)
13. Be more kind
14. Read more books (I read about 9 a year, but I can definitely increase that number if I decrease the amt of shows that I have on DVR.....)
15. Run another 5K

What is on your bucket list?

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