Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Motivation= Lacking

Help me. Someone, please help me.

I'm trying to get back on the work-out wagon, and ain't. nothin'. workin'.

A few weeks back, I was able to wake up few times a week at 6:30/45 and run for a half hour/45 mins around my bit of the city. Then the next week came, and I did yoga and Pilates a few days after work at my gym. "Great! I'm on a roll!" I thought. "Two WHOLE weeks!"

Then came this past weekend. Birthday weekend= Birthday drinks. Birthday food. Parents paying for a big dinner. Friday and Monday off... now it's nearly Thursday and I just came back from the gym and barely broke a sweat for my 30 mins of cardio.

I have no motivation!

You'd think as a single girl living in NYC, just hitting 25, I'd WANT to look like my sveltest self. Unfortunately, I don't feel like it matters what I look like.

I don't mean that in a "I should love myself no matter what I look like" way. I mean it in a "I feel and look like shitake, but for some reason, I don't care" way.

It isn't a "rut," because I'm pretty happy lately. It's just that I'd rather sit on the couch after an 11-12 hour work day, or sleep in that extra half hour than MOVE my body.

WHAT can I do to stop this from happening to me? Anyone? Please?



  1. Nice one.. :-)
    Even i bunk my aerobics classes after a long hectic day.. But then, just enjoy whatever you like to do.. **Bad advice**
    But, if you don't care bout ur don't-care ways, then just sit back and enjoy and let mother nature take care of you..
    If you wish to take workouts seriously, just set lenient measures which you can intensify later when you keep up with it.. :-)
    Good luck.

  2. Just wanted to say hi really quick, I've been wondering if you stopped posting but then realized I somehow deleted you from my Google Reader! I'm sorry I'm a technology spaz!

  3. I was in the same kind of rut till about a year ago... the neighborhood did a get-fit challenge and a bunch of local worky-outy people came in to offer their services free for 3 months. I found something I loved... Crossfit. It's been a year now and I'm still motivated. Not that it's for everyone but it's worth a try to see if it's something you might like. They are everywhere. Even so, most gyms and/or exercise services offer a free visit, so check out some different things in your area and find something that motivates you and sparks your interest. Personally, I need accountability and the trainer I work out with provides that.

  4. Thanks guys! I'll look into Crossfit and Stacie- good to have you back! xoxo


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